Healing Profit

by Rev. Warren Wise

Back as far as I can remember as a child I have been looking for a way to live and something to call the way I lived. I learned a physical relationship with my body to bring it back to health and to love it. As I grew older, I formed an understanding with death to then allow me to reach out without fear to share what I was learning with others.
I began studying more about healing types: Absentee, present but not touching, laying on of hands, and finally shiatzu. I began to realize that healing was a way you lived by bringing all of life into balance and order. It wasn't the isolated miracle, but the moment by moment flow of energy from the universe through each of us as energy channels, reaching out with inner guidance to touch another and return the flow to the universe.
In this process of giving and receiving, we are interested in producing profit. A profit is getting more out of giving something away than by keeping it. We also want more than one profit; we want two. In this creative world of ours, we can give that which we have that has greater worth to another than to us and receive something of greater worth to us from others. In this way the entire abundance of this world grows and each of us can learn and grow with it. This, to me, is a healing profit, a dual profit, one on each side.
Healing profits happen when we become in turne with our inner guidance and allow ourselves to say 'yes' to opportunities that the universe open to each of us. Start with the abundance of resource that flows through each of us to practice healing profits: the energies of love, peace, and joy. These need to be expressed to create their worth in us and in others.
The expression of life is a balance in the flowing of the vibrations of all of the energies of the universe, in and through each of our beings. May each of us learn to continually listen and channel our portion of what God is.

Copyright © by Rev. Warren Wise, 1984.
All rights reserved.
It first appeared in Crann Beathadh, June, 1984.
You can send your comments to Warren at jesa@jesamac.com and they will be forwarded to him.

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